Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Our Life in Pictures

Click on any picture to make it larger.  (That’s for you, Deda.)  Winking smile




Just for clarification for those who don’t know me IRL – that teeny tiny baby is my new nephew, Jonah – and he is super squishy and adorable.  Also, since I’m super proud of my hubby, the picture of him holding a frame is his shirt tail from his first solo flight!  He is now a licensed pilot – you can all start calling him Captain Judd or Captain Davis. (Whichever you prefer, he’s not picky.)  I framed his shirt tail (it’s a tradition for your first solo flight…they cut your shirt tail and write the date, etc. on it.) for Father’s Day.  He was really happy!

We’ve had lots of cousin time the last few weeks and my girls have loved every second of it.  Sorry I’ve lagged on the blog lately, Squiggle Stitch has been B-U-S-Y and our summer has been pretty busy, too!  Smile  Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Judd! That's a great accomplishment. And as always, your babies are adorable. :)
