Thursday, July 30, 2009

Zoo Pictures!

Did I ever mention that we went to the zoo? Well, we did! Audra, Andrew, and Drew joined us (or better yet, we joined THEM) and went to the Memphis Zoo. It was so fun! I haven't been in for-ever! Needless to say, I was literally exhausted after the trip, but it was worth it! Because blogger takes so long to upload pictures, I'm not posting the ones of just the're only getting us...sorry. I know, way less interesting. ;)

Please, click on this picture and make it bigger. His face is PRICELESS.

Do you see the gorilla in the middle? :)

Thanks for letting us tag along! We had a blast! Love y'all!


  1. Y'all can tag along with us anytime!! I'll post mine as soon as I: a) find my camera cord or b) get my SD card slot back. Don't hold your breath.

  2. Excellent... I have also have my baby photo cards in my heart... In future I will show those photo cards to world :).. I love my baby... Thanks for sharing your baby photos, looking very great also.
