Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mom & Dad came to visit!

And they brought goodies! Mom and Dad came by to visit on their way back into town from their vacation. I'm SO SO SO glad that they came! They shopped for Caroline and got her some ADORABLE outfits! Look!

They gave us these socks about a month ago and I forgot to post about them. Please note the John Deere. :) She'll fit right in around here!
I would also like to make mention of the beautiful kitchen table they gave us...for no special occasion! (Please add occasion to the list of words that I ALWAYS spell incorrectly.) I took pictures to show anyone who hasn't seen it! We also have the leaf to make it bigger, and 2 more chairs!
Thanks for everything Mom & Dad! We love y'all so very much!

Scroll down for 3D pictures of Caroline!

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